by Len Levinson

A young advertising copywriter arrives at a TGIF party on Manhattan’s fashionable West Side and notices across the crowded penthouse suite a woman whom he considers fabulously beautiful. She reminds him of the 1940s movie star Maria Montez, whom he watched in a Hollywood B movie called COBRA WOMAN on late night TV when he was eight years old, and with whom he fell deeply in love. He watched all her movies, forgot her as he grew older, but now amazingly this lookalike Maria Montez somehow has materialized only twenty feet away. Their eyes meet, his brain short-circuits, and although he doesn’t realize it at the moment, his life will never be the same.

Can you imagine a love so powerful it takes over your whole life? That lifts you to heights of ecstasy and plunges you to depths of misery? That provokes you to thoughts of suicide and murder? And at the same time it’s funny? That’s COBRA WOMAN, the knockout new novel by Len Levinson, acclaimed as a “trash genius” by PAPERBACK FANATIC magazine.


by James Reasoner

The race is on to span the continent with steel rails—and someone is willing to do anything to stop it, even if it means spilling rivers of innocent blood!

Matthew Faraday is president of the Faraday Security Service, a detective agency specializing in work for the ever-expanding railroad empires. Hired to find out who is stirring up the Sioux and sabotaging the Kansas Pacific line as it builds westward, Faraday sends tough young agent Daniel Britten to the railhead, where he finds himself embroiled with surveyors, track layers, buffalo hunters, and a pair of beautiful young women. But there’s a killer stalking the railhead as well, and not only the fate of the railroad but also Britten’s very life depends on him uncovering the truth.

The original version of this epic Western adventure by legendary author James Reasoner has been out of print for decades. Newly revised and expanded, it’s now available again with all the historical sweep and gun-blazing action readers have come to expect from James Reasoner.


by Len Levinson

Someone is murdering prominent Wall Street financiers in New York City during the first year of the Civil War. Is the culprit a disgruntled investor? Marxist revolutionaries? A Confederate conspiracy to destabilize the Union banking system?

To make matters worse, a crime wave has been engulfing New York City since the War Between the States began, as if that conflict has loosened the darkest passions in the hearts of men and women. Amidst this turmoil, the Detective Precinct is under political pressure to figure out who is killing financiers. Unfortunately, the best detectives have enlisted in the New York regiments.

Out of desperation, Deputy Chief of Detectives Timothy Flanagan hires a former army officer wounded at the Battle of Bull Run, and a former Southern Belle stranded in the Empire City. Flanagan calls her his secretary because women can’t be detectives, but she carries a revolver and does actual detective work.

Their investigation takes them from Fifth Avenue mansions to the dangerous slum called Five Points, from Gramercy Park to Battery Park, from fashionable men’s clubs to elegant and not so elegant whorehouses, gambling dens, the glittering Broadway theater district, and the Peyster Street docks where a man’s life isn’t worth a dead fish.

Will the Detective Precinct solve the case? They dare not fail. The future of the war and fate of the nation is at stake!


by Len Levinson

What is evidence? Who is innocent?
Can justice really prevail in a city
where the law is just another commodity
betrayal is business as usual
and paranoia is mental health?

Patrick “Patty” Shapiro is about as down on his luck as a guy can get. A former NYPD cop, he’s been booted off the force in disgrace because of a corruption scandal. Patty may not be crooked, but he turned a blind eye to his brothers in blue who were. Now, a year later, he’s broke and about to be kicked out onto the street, so when a former partner approaches him with a job offer, he grabs it. All he has to do is bust into a hotel room and take sleazy pictures for a divorce case. Problem is, when Patty steps into the room he finds a beautiful blond doll with her throat cut . . . and the frame for her murder fits Patty Shapiro perfectly.

Action writing legend Len Levinson, author of some of the most acclaimed crime, suspense, and adventure novels of the past thirty years, returns with a brand-new yarn that pulls no punches. From the penthouses of Manhattan to the squalid back alleys, hard-nosed Patty Shapiro is on a quest to find a killer and if he fails, it’ll be his own neck on the line!     AMAZON LINK

by David Hardy

Acclaimed author David Hardy spins four compelling yarns of frontier justice full of action and the smell of gunsmoke and trail dust! A Skinning War — In the days following the Civil War, Clint Gordon returns to his home in a devastated Texas to find himself facing another war, this time against rustlers, renegades, and hired guns. Clint isn’t going to give up, though, even if his fight leads him to a deadly showdown on a mountain of bones! Hangman’s Black Pact — It’s hangrope vigilantes versus ruthless outlaws as bloody war erupts along the Texas border. With the authorities useless, the ranchers along the Rio Grande take the law into their own hands to hunt down rustlers and raiders from south of the border, but are their lynchings justice . . . or murder? Ranger Law, Bandit Blood — The Texas Rangers had their hands full cleaning up the border country. Bandits raided across the Rio Grande with impunity, rustling cattle, killing settlers, and terrorizing the countryside. But a handful of men armed with Colts, .50 caliber Sharps rifles, and pure guts would ride in and restore law and order to the border—or die trying! In the Court of the Duke — Duke Kingsford had spread his reign of lawlessness and terror all over the South Texas brush country and teamed up with ruthless bandidos to defy the authorities in both Texas and Mexico. It was up to Captain Stuart and his small group of Rangers to stop the boss outlaw before he cut a swath of blood and death across the range! 

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by James Reasoner

Shunt is a thief, Park a tavern dancer and part-time whore. Neither of them is the least bit better than they have to be, because that’s the only way to survive in the squalid, perilous city of Under-Ulm. But when Shunt comes into possession of a pen apparently filled with sorcerous power, he and Park are drawn into a web of deceit, political intrigue, and murder that reaches all the way to the court of the Empress of Ulm! Award-winning, New York Times best-selling author James Reasoner spins a compelling tale of fantasy and danger in this short story originally published in the anthology DREAMS IN THE FIRE and now available for the first time as an e-book.


Duke Kingsford had spread his reign of lawlessness and terror all over the South Texas brush country and teamed up with ruthless bandidos to defy the authorities in both Texas and Mexico. It was up to Captain Stuart and his small group of Rangers to stop the boss outlaw before he cut a swath of blood and death across the range! Acclaimed author David Hardy spins another compelling yarn of frontier justice based on historical events, full of action and the smell of gunsmoke and trail dust!

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by John Hegenberger

A deadly showdown on frozen Ganymede . . . an experiment in time travel that has unexpected results . . . the dead being brought back to life—to sell insurance . . . a legendary villain seeking to summon a strange visitor from another planet . . . 

These are only some of the ventures into the fantastic and bizarre to be found in ICESLINGER, the latest collection from acclaimed author John Hegenberger. These classic tales of science fiction and fantasy are filled with action, big ideas, humor, and drama. Step into the many worlds of John Hegenberger and prepare to be entertained!


by David Hardy

The Texas Rangers had their hands full cleaning up the border country. Bandits raided across the Rio Grande with impunity, rustling cattle, killing settlers, and terrorizing the countryside. But a handful of men armed with Colts, .50 caliber Sharps rifles, and pure guts would ride in and restore law and order to the border—or die trying! 

Based on actual events, acclaimed Western author David Hardy’s novella RANGER LAW, BANDIT BLOOD is another gritty, exciting tale of the violent frontier. Ride with the Rangers and smell the gunsmoke as they take on overwhelming odds and battle not only bandits but also the Mexican army. David Hardy writes it like it was, recapturing the wild times along the border with all its danger and fury!     

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(Outlaw Ranger Book 5)

by James Reasoner

A band of killers swoops down on a Mexican village, slaughtering the men and carrying off the women as prisoners. In Texas, a train is held up, American soldiers are murdered, and a valuable shipment of rifles is stolen. G.W. Braddock knows there’s a connection between these two bloody incidents, but to discover the truth and keep the border country from erupting in chaos and violence, he’ll have to risk his life more than once in a maze of double-crosses and danger! 

New York Times best-selling author James Reasoner returns with another action-packed, fast-paced tale of the Outlaw Ranger. Stripped of his authority by corrupt politicians, G.W. Braddock still carries the badge of a Texas Ranger—with a bullet hole in the center to show that he’ll go wherever he has to and do whatever it takes to bring justice to the Lone Star State!

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(A Stan Wade, LAPI Novel)
by John Hegenberger

It’s 1950, and Stan Wade, L.A. PI, is working on his first case: recovering the stolen manuscript of a new Sam Spade novel by Dashiell Hammett. This epic hunt will last for a decade, and before it’s over will involve Humphrey Bogart, Eleanor Roosevelt, Alfred Hitchcock, Mickey Cohen, Robert Bloch, stripper Candy Barr, and a sleazy nightclub owner named Jack Ruby. Will Stan survive to put all the pieces of this crazy-quilt case together? 

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by David Hardy

It’s hangrope vigilantes versus ruthless outlaws as bloody war erupts along the Texas border. With the authorities useless, the ranchers along the Rio Grande take the law into their own hands to hunt down rustlers and raiders from south of the border, but are their lynchings justice . . . or murder? 

HANGMAN’S BLACK PACT is another gritty, action-packed Western yarn from rising star David Hardy, whose authentic tales of the Old West have won widespread acclaim. If you haven’t read his exciting stories, this is a great place to start, and if you have, you won’t want to miss HANGMAN’S BLACK PACT!

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by W. L. Fieldhouse

Shaddrock and Cougar are the West’s deadliest bounty hunters. A Yankee sharpshooter and a Rebel officer put the war behind them and team up to track down some of the most dangerous outlaws west of the Mississippi. A ruthless railroad baron and a crazed colonel bent on creating a Confederate empire in the Southwest are just two of the threats faced by this unlikely duo in legendary author W.L. Fieldhouse’s wild Western adventure GUN LUST. Packed with gritty action, it’s a colorful, fast-paced tale sure to entertain Western fans!

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by John Hegenberger

A vanishing corpse…a clout on the head…industrial espionage with millions of dollars at stake…an international conspiracy that threatens the 1988 Summer Olympics…These are just some of the problems private investigator Eliot Cross has to untangle in CROSSFIRE: THE SCALES OF JUSTICE, the newest novel from popular author John Hegenberger. Fast-paced, filled with mystery, action, and humor, CROSSFIRE is a private eye yarn in the classic mold and a sure bet for entertainment.

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by James Reasoner

In Bandera for a trial, circuit-riding Judge Earl Stark volunteers to referee a prizefight between the local champion and a pugilist from out of town. Stark—who was once the shotgun-wielding Big Earl Stark, toughest stagecoach guard in Texas—doesn’t realize that this bout is going to lead to gunplay and an explosive showdown that threatens the whole settlement!

One of award-winning Western author James Reasoner’s most popular characters returns in this 6,000 word short story originally published in the boxing anthology FIGHT CARD PRESENTS: BATTLING MAHONEY & OTHER STORIES.

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Other times, other places, other stories than the ones we know…These are the Tales From the Otherverse, where anything is possible and things never work out quite the way you’d expect. Some of today’s top talents in popular fiction turn their hands to tales of alternate history. Featuring new stories by bestselling, award-winning authors Bill Crider, Lou Antonelli, Scott A. Cupp, Robert E. Vardeman, James Reasoner, and more. Explore the Otherverse and see what might have been!

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From the cold, rocky surface of Mars to the vast reaches of deep space, from the dusty pages of the pulps to the cutting edge medical technology of the future, the stories in John Hegenberger’s THE LAST MARTIAN CHRONICLES span the frontiers of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Unlikely friends try to survive the dangers of future war in “Keys to the Kingdom”. A bizarre fate befalls a famous author in the alternate history story “Howard’s Toe”. Sinister forces are on the prowl in “Dead Dames in Dayton”. Alien visitors come to Earth with surprising results in “Last Contact”. And two races face a poignant destiny in “The Last Martian”. These stories and others from popular author John Hegenberger are filled with imagination, ingenuity, and heart.

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The Shudder Pulps are back! In fact, it’s like they never left in this second great collection of new stories inspired by the classic Weird Menace magazines such as DIME MYSTERY and TERROR TALES. Those pulps may have ended in the early 1940s, but some of today’s top authors give us the same sort of pulse-pounding, spine-chilling tales they might have published if they had stayed around. 

The Weird Menace pulps flourished for less than a decade, from the mid-1930s to the early ’40s, but while they were popular, they delivered adventure, excitement, and spine-tingling thrills in quantities rarely seen before or since. Mad scientists, deranged henchmen, damsels in distress, and stalwart heroes raced through their pages in breathless, over-the-top, never-ending action. A good Weird Menace yarn really is just one damned thing after another. Rough Edges Press asked some of today’s best authors of popular fiction to write Weird Menace stories, and they delivered. Settle back and let us spin a few yarns for you… But keep an eye out behind you. You never know when something might be sneaking up on you.

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A legendary lawman lies dead, cut down by a bushwhacker’s bullet, and it’s up to Texas Ranger Sean Kennedy to track down the killer and bring him to justice. But at every step in his search, Kennedy finds that the trail to the truth leads farther and farther into the past… TO AVENGE A RANGER is bestselling author James J. Griffin’s most dramatic and shocking novel to date. Filled with action and the gritty historical authenticity for which he is known, TO AVENGE A RANGER is compelling reading, sure to please Griffin’s legion of fans!

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Who stole the space station?

At the far reaches of the Imperium, something’s gone terribly wrong on Outstation Zori. The station has cut itself off from all communication, and the corporation that owns it sends a team of specialists to get to the bottom of this mystery. But a young con-man, a rebel leader, and a greedy space pirate are in for a mind-bending shock as they face off against alien races, bizarre religions, and an ultimate betrayal by one of their own.

MUTINY ON OUTSTATION ZORI: A space adventure caper with philosophical overtones from John Hegenberger, critically acclaimed author of CROSS EXAMINATION, TRIPL3 CROSS, and the upcoming THE LAST MARTIAN CHRONICLES.

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It’s 1988, and small-town P.I. Eliot Cross is searching for his long-lost father. Then, a CIA informant says that Dad has been in deep cover for over twenty years. Now, the informant’s been murdered and Eliot is on the run. 

Scrambling to clear his name, Eliot journeys from Washington D.C. to Havana, Cuba, struggling against deadly drug-runners, syndicate hit-men and his own violent nature. But the worst is yet to come, as Eliot discovers his father is at the center of an international conspiracy, a nuclear threat and a double cross…or is that a triple cross? 

Veteran author John Hegenberger spins a yarn that is both an exciting thriller and a compelling piece of “noirstalgia”, expertly recreating a sense of late-Eighties paranoia and double-dealing and painting a vivid picture of Washington and Cuba during that era, as well as saving a shocking twist for the very end. TRIPL3 CROSS is pure reading entertainment.

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G.W. Braddock might not be an official Texas Ranger anymore, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to stop chasing down outlaw gangs! On the trail of a vicious band of killers and bank robbers led by the notorious Clete Fenner, Braddock finds himself with an unexpected ally: an ancient Indian who claims to be the last war chief of the Comanche. Their pursuit of the Fenner gang will lead them to a bloody showdown on the Texas plains, with the lives of innocents hanging in the balance! 

New York Times bestselling author James Reasoner returns with another gritty, fast-moving tale of the Outlaw Ranger. THE LAST WAR CHIEF is a 17,000 word novella packed with all the action and drama of the Old West. Read it and see why Reasoner was honored with the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award from Western Fictioneers for his outstanding frontier tales. 

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Again and again, bodies are discovered near the summits of some of New Hampshire’s most picturesque mountains, brutally murdered by an ingenious serial killer who moves around this scenic wilderness like a deadly phantom. With few if any clues to go on, state police detective Paul Talbot sets out to track down this vicious killer before more innocent people die at the hands of a lunatic! 

Acclaimed, bestselling historical novelist James J. Griffin makes a stunning debut as an author of contemporary thrillers with THE MAD MAN OF THE MOUNTAINS. Fast-paced, populated with compelling, intriguing characters, and filled with fascinating police procedure and breathtaking suspense, THE MAD MAN OF THE MOUNTAINS is great reading! 

James J. Griffin has had four passions for most of his life: Horses, the United States West, the Texas Rangers, and New Hampshire. He has penned several series of Texas Ranger novels and stories. THE MAD MAN OF THE MOUNTAINS is his first Detective Paul Talbot novel. 

Griffin has spent many happy hours riding his horse through the forests and fields, and exploring the White Mountains. Some of his fondest memories are swimming in the Saco River at First and Second Irons in Bartlett, and trips to the summit of Mount Washington in all kinds of weather, from nice to horrendous. He has spent overnights on the summit, and made a wintertime trip to the top in the Observatory Sno-cat, in howling winds and near-blinding snow. He is a lifelong member of the Mount Washington Observatory, and contributed to the building fund for the Sherman Adams Building. 

A native New Englander, Jim is a member of Western Fictioneers and the Western Writers of America. He now makes his home in Keene, New Hampshire.

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The Netherlands in the 16th Century is wracked by civil and religious strife, but all Greta wants is to be left alone to run her tavern. The most dire prophecies of doom come true when the dead rise from their graves and set out on an apocalyptic campaign of terror, slaughtering everything in their path. Cast down into Hell still alive, with unlikely allies such as Christopher Marlowe and the Archangel Michael, armed with a sword and her trusty skillet, Greta sets out to do battle with hordes of demons, imps, and ultimately Satan himself. No one but Greta would be crazy enough to try to conquer Hell! 

Inspired by the paintings of Brueghel and Bosch, this historical horror/fantasy novel by acclaimed author David Hardy is full of vivid imagery, compelling characters, and a towering, unstoppable protagonist in Crazy Greta. This is an unforgettable novel about the never-ending battle between Heaven and Hell and the depraved depths and heroic heights of humanity. 

David Hardy is the author of the novel PALMETTO EMPIRE and BROTHERS BY THE GUN AND OTHER TALES OF SAMARIA, KANSAS, as well as many other works of historical fiction. He lives in Austin, Texas.

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These are the tales of Samaria, Kansas…the toughest trail town in the Old West! 

BOUNTY FOR A LAWMAN — Marshal Tom Briscoe is charged with keeping the peace in the wild cowtown of Samaria, Kansas, but at the same time the town council doesn’t want him doing anything that might run off the Texas cowboys and the valuable herds they drive up the long trail to the railhead. But when he’s faced with a life-or-death situation, Briscoe has no choice but to gun down one of the Texans. 

WAR ON WHISKEY ROW — Backed up by a crew of merciless gun-wolves, gambler and saloon owner Blaze Jeter makes a ruthless bid to take over the Kansas trail town of Samaria. Only four people dare to oppose him: tough town lawman Tom Briscoe, his stalwart deputy, an old judge, and a soiled dove. Despite the odds against them, they’ll put up a fight that Samaria will never forget! 

TRAIL OF THE CYCLONE — Frank Sparks and Cyclone Bill Martin are old friends from their buffalo-hunting days. But those days are over and done with now. Sparks is a hard-nosed sheriff, and Cyclone Bill is the ringleader of a gang of clever horse thieves plaguing the county. Their friendship won’t make any difference when it comes to a hot lead showdown between lawman and horse thief! 

BROTHERS BY THE GUN — The Denning gang has just pulled off the biggest robbery of their careers. But Josh Denning, the leader of the bunch, faces a deadly challenge from within the ranks of his own followers, and his brother Ike has a bullet in him that may cost him his life. On top of that, two tough, dogged lawmen are on the gang’s trail, determined to bring the outlaws to justice. It’s a perilous race to safety for these fast-gun owlhoots!

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The Denning gang has just pulled off the biggest robbery of their careers. But Josh Denning, the leader of the bunch, faces a deadly challenge from within the ranks of his own followers, and his brother Ike has a bullet in him that may cost him his life. On top of that, two tough, dogged lawmen are on the gang’s trail, determined to bring the outlaws to justice. It’s a perilous race to safety for these fast-gun owlhoots! BROTHERS BY THE GUN is another exciting tale of Samaria, Kansas from talented author David Hardy. Fast-paced and full of gritty action, this is a story that fans of traditional Westerns won’t want to miss!

Short Story 99 cent Amazon Link

Frank Sparks and Cyclone Bill Martin are old friends from their buffalo-hunting days. But those days are over and done with now. Sparks is a hard-nosed sheriff, and Cyclone Bill is the ringleader of a gang of clever horse thieves plaguing the county. Their friendship won’t make any difference when it comes to a hot lead showdown between lawman and horse thief! 

TRAIL OF THE CYCLONE is another exciting tale of Samaria, Kansas, from acclaimed author David Hardy. This is top-notch entertainment for fans of fast-paced, action-packed traditional Westerns!

Short Story   Amazon Link

Striking ruthlessly out of the night, the Ghost Riders are the most brutal band of outlaws ever to plague Texas. Leaving death and devastation behind them, they raid town after town, slaughtering, looting, and burning. Dressed in white robes that conceal their identity and seemingly unharmed by bullets, the Ghost Riders may not even be human! 

Facing the greatest challenge of his career, legendary Texas Ranger Jim Blawcyzk sets out on the trail of the Ghost Riders, accompanied by his partners Smoky McCue and Jim Huggins. Blawcyzk is confident that no owlhoot is immune to Ranger lead. What he doesn’t know, however, is that before this case over, the deadly threat of the Ghost Riders will reach out and touch his own family… 

Bestselling author James J. Griffin returns with his most epic novel yet of the Texas Rangers. THE GHOST RIDERS is thrilling, authentic action from beginning to end and sure-fire entertainment for Western readers.

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On a November day in 1863, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, President Abraham Lincoln spoke briefly at the dedication of a cemetery for soldiers fallen in the recent battle. He said, “The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here today”, but this prophecy proved incorrect as Lincoln’s remarks became one of the most famous speeches of all time. 

But what if, haunted by an unexpected tragedy, the words spoken by Lincoln that day were different, words that irrevocably changed not only the course of the Civil War but also American history itself? 

THE BLOOD OF THE FALLEN is a short story of Alternate History from master storyteller and bestseller James Reasoner, author of the Civil War Battles series. A compellingly different view of the bloody clash that defined a nation, this story originally appeared in the anthology ALTERNATE GETTYSBURGS.

Short Story 99 cent Amazon Link

Backed up by a crew of merciless gun-wolves, gambler and saloon owner Blaze Jeter makes a ruthless bid to take over the Kansas trail town of Samaria. Only four people dare to oppose him: tough town lawman Tom Briscoe, his stalwart deputy, an old judge, and a soiled dove. Despite the odds against them, they’ll put up a fight that Samaria will never forget! 

WAR ON WHISKEY ROW is another action-packed Western tale from David Hardy, author of BOUNTY FOR A LAWMAN. Hell’s always popping in Samaria, Kansas, and this great yarn is no exception! 

99 cent Amazon Link

A plea for help from a woman he thought was dead brings Texas Ranger Jim Hatfield to the ghost town of Palminter. What he finds waiting for him is a storm of outlaw bullets—and an even deeper mystery that leads him to a mansion on top of a sinister mesa overlooking the Rio Grande. To survive, the legendary Lone Wolf will need his keen wits—and all his deadly gun skill! Bestselling author James Reasoner brings his masterful storytelling talent to the iconic Western character Jim Hatfield, star of the long-running pulp magazine TEXAS RANGERS. “Lone Star Fury” is a 7000 word novelette originally published in CLASSIC PULP FICTION STORIES nearly twenty years ago and now available again from Rough Edges Press.

99 cents Amazon Link

Marshal Tom Briscoe is charged with keeping the peace in the wild cowtown of Samaria, Kansas, but at the same time the town council doesn’t want him doing anything that might run off the Texas cowboys and the valuable herds they drive up the long trail to the railhead. But when he’s faced with a life-or-death situation, Briscoe has no choice but to gun down one of the Texans. Unfortunately, the dead man is the son of one of the most powerful and vengeful cattlemen in town, so as a lawman Briscoe finds himself in the unusual position of having a bounty placed on him. This is no dead-or-alive situation, however. Briscoe’s enemies want him dead! BOUNTY FOR A LAWMAN is another top-notch tale from David Hardy, auther of THE BADLANDS RUSTLERS. Fast-paced and packed with action, this is a yarn that Western readers will enjoy!

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Available for the Kindle

From acclaimed author Ed Gorman a powerful collection of Western stories, many of which have never been reprinted. This volume includes the stories “Dead Man’s Gun”, “Pards”, “The Old Ways”, “The Face”, “Gunslinger”, “Guild and the Indian Woman”, “Mainwaring’s Gift”, “Blood Truth”, “Dance Girl”, and the article “Writing the Modern Western”. Gorman’s unforgettable stories feature fine writing, compelling characters, and an undeniable sense of authenticity and realism. You can feel the cold, smell saddle leather and gunsmoke, mourn along with the tragedy-haunted men and women who populate Ed Gorman’s West. Read DEAD MAN’S GUN and see why Ed Gorman is one of today’s most honored Western authors.


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Available for the Kindle.

Rough Edges Press is proud to present this powerful collection of stories from one of the most acclaimed Western authors of all time. Ed Gorman’s deeply moving stories of courage and tragedy in the Old West feature compelling writing, vivid characterization, and rawhide-tough authenticity. A DISGRACE TO THE BADGE AND OTHER WESTERN STORIES features the following tales: “A Disgrace to the Badge”, “Killer in the Dark”, “A Good Start”, “A Small and Private War”, “Death and Trooper Monroe”, “Deathman”, and the nostalgic article “On Roy Rogers”. Read these stories and you’ll see why Ed Gorman is hailed by readers worldwide as one of the very best!


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Available for the Kindle.

Ed Gorman is one of the most acclaimed Western writers of our time, hailed for his strong sense of time and place and his gritty characterization. ENEMIES AND OTHER WESTERN STORIES collects his novellas “Enemies” and “Anna and the Players”, along with the short stories “The Victim” and “The Long Ride Back”. This book is 24,000 words of some of the finest Western fiction available today. Read ENEMIES now and see why Ed Gorman is one of today’s most honored Western authors.

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Available for the Kindle.

THE LONG RIDE BACK AND OTHER WESTERN STORIES is the biggest collection of Ed Gorman’s critically acclaimed, award-winning Western fiction ever published. This massive trade paperback brings together the complete contents of the three e-book Gorman collections published by Rough Edges Press: DEAD MAN’S GUN, A DISGRACE TO THE BADGE, and ENEMIES. Nineteen short stories and novellas and two essays add up to more than 100,000 words from one of the finest writers of our time. This indispensable collection is available only from Rough Edges Press.


Available for the Kindle

Somewhere in the wild badlands along the border between Canada and Montana lay the hideout of Red Norman’s gang of vicious rustlers. Inspector Tom Gatewood of the North West Mounted Police vowed to bring Norman and his band of outlaws to justice, but along the way Gatewood had to deal with cold-blooded murder and some help from an unexpected source! 

“The Badlands Rustlers” is an action-packed Northwestern short story in the classic pulp tradition from acclaimed author David Hardy. Gritty, realistic, and based on the history of the area, it’s a top-notch yarn all the way! 


Hell came to Santa Angelina on a beautiful morning, as the Texas settlement was practically wiped out by vicious outlaws led by the bloodthirsty lunatic Henry Pollard. Now Pollard is in jail in Alpine, waiting on his trial and an all but certain date with the hangman. The only real question is whether an outraged lynch mob will string him up first. 

Not everyone wants to see Pollard dance at the end of a rope, however. His gang of hired killers would like to set him free, and so would his older brother, a wealthy cattleman who has always protected Pollard from the consequences of his savagery. 

Riding into the middle of this three-cornered war is the Outlaw Ranger, G.W. Braddock, who may not have a right anymore to wear the bullet-holed star-in-a-circle badge pinned to his shirt, but whose devotion to the law means he’ll risk his life to see that justice is done! 


Hell came to Santa Angelina on a beautiful morning, as the Texas settlement was practically wiped out by vicious outlaws led by the bloodthirsty lunatic Henry Pollard. Now Pollard is in jail in Alpine, waiting on his trial and an all but certain date with the hangman. The only real question is whether an outraged lynch mob will string him up first. 

Not everyone wants to see Pollard dance at the end of a rope, however. His gang of hired killers would like to set him free, and so would his older brother, a wealthy cattleman who has always protected Pollard from the consequences of his savagery. 

Riding into the middle of this three-cornered war is the Outlaw Ranger, G.W. Braddock, who may not have a right anymore to wear the bullet-holed star-in-a-circle badge pinned to his shirt, but whose devotion to the law means he’ll risk his life to see that justice is done! 


Multiple murder, Devil worship, and a missing fortune in mob money…it’s just another day in Las Vegas for private investigator John Weller. When Weller, a history buff and former homicide detective who has retired from the police force because he lost a leg to a shotgun blast in the line of duty, is hired by the public defender’s office, the case he’s supposed to look into seems open and shut. A bank robbery gone wrong has resulted in the deaths of two of the plotters and the arrest of the third, a scumbag associated with Lucifer’s Chapel, a local group of Satanists. It doesn’t take long for Weller to begin to have doubts about the case, which becomes more complicated—and more dangerous—the deeper he delves into it. He’ll have to scramble to uncover the truth before it costs him his own life! DEVIL IN A CAGE is a classic private eye novel by legendary action/adventure author W.L. Fieldhouse. Brand-new and never before published, it features a compelling protagonist in John Weller, a complex plot, sheer storytelling energy, insightful social commentary, and a vivid portrait of Las Vegas that could only be provided by an insider like Fieldhouse. Rough Edges Press is proud to present this powerful novel of crime and detection.



Sir Gault the Red was once the fiercest knight in all Malachar, but that was before age and a life of peace reduced him to a shadow of the warrior he once was. Now his epic battles against the fyredrakes, the race of reptilian monsters that terrorized the countryside in times past, are just a memory…until an unexpected encounter prods him into a desperate attempt to recapture past glories. Keldrick is the last of his kind, a giant fyredrake whose flaming breath once blazed a path of destruction across the land. He wants only to reach the legendary northland where others like him may still be found…but his journey will also be one last rampage of fire, death, and devastation across the domain of the hated humans. These two natural adversaries are fated to meet, but before they do both will be drawn into a web of deceit, ambition, and lust that will leave them questioning who are the real monsters, humans or fyredrakes! THE FYREDRAKE’S PREY is a gritty fantasy saga packed with bloody action and unexpected heroism from New York Times bestselling author and legendary storyteller James Reasoner, a never before published 70,000 word novel available only from Rough Edges Press.



G.W. Braddock was raised to be a Texas Ranger and never wanted anything else. But when he’s stripped of his badge through no fault of his own and a corrupt system turns the vicious killer Tull Coleman loose on the people of the Lone Star State, Braddock has to decide if he’s going to follow the law—or carry out the job he was born to do, even if it means becoming an outlaw himself! 

Never before published, OUTLAW RANGER is the first book in an exciting new Western series by best-selling author and legendary storyteller James Reasoner. Based on actual incidents, this action-packed novel is the stirring tale of a little-known era in Old West history. Rough Edges Press is proud to present this compelling saga of a man haunted by the past and fighting to make a place for himself in the violent world of the Texas frontier.


The green hell that is the Netherlands East Indies in 1859 is a dangerous place—but soldier of fortune Patrick “Blackie” Boyle is a dangerous man. Trapped between Malay fanatics on one side and Dayak headhunters on the other, menaced by sinister sorcery and entranced by a beautiful jungle queen, Blackie will need all his formidable skill as a fighting man to survive! 

RED SHADOWS, GREEN HELL is a thrilling 8,000 word short story of historical adventure, touched with fantasy and horror, from acclaimed author David Hardy. It’s an exciting, fast-paced yarn in the grand pulp tradition of Robert E. Howard and Talbot Mundy, full of vivid, hardboiled action. 


In the days following the Civil War, Clint Gordon returns to his home in a devastated Texas to find himself facing another war, this time against rustlers, renegades, and hired guns. Clint isn’t going to give up, though, even if his fight leads him to a deadly showdown on a mountain of bones! 

A SKINNING WAR is a brand-new 5000 word Western short story from acclaimed Texas author David Hardy. This edition also includes a preview of his best-selling historical novel PALMETTO EMPIRE.


Bounty hunter Rye Callahan risked his life to capture the brutal outlaw Ike Blaine in a desert showdown. But an even deadlier danger awaits both men when they board the stagecoach bound for an isolated Arizona settlement with a sinister secret. Callahan will need all his cunning and gun skill to survive this trip on the last stagecoach to Hell! 

New York Times bestselling author and legendary storyteller James Reasoner returns with a brand-new, never-before-published 10,000 word novella featuring Rye Callahan, the protagonist of his acclaimed story LAST CHANCE CANYON. In Reasoner’s hands, the West has never been wilder! 


Empires clash in the Florida swamps in 1816 as England, Spain, and the young United States vie for this rich territory at the southern end of the continent. The native Seminole people make this a four-cornered war as they struggle to claim this land as their home. Caught in the middle of this bloody conflict is frontiersman Pete Privett, who tangles with a beautiful spy, deadly outlaws and pirates, and a ruthless British renegade jockeying to set himself up as the ruler of his own private empire in the swamps! 

David Hardy’s PALMETTO EMPIRE is a classic historical adventure novel set during the First Seminole War, packed with color, action, violence, and romance. Sweeping the reader into another time and place, it tells a compelling tale filled with realistic, intriguing characters and vividly captures a little-known but vital turning point in the history of the American nation.


Only desperate men dared to venture into Last Chance Canyon, like bounty hunter Rye Callahan and the deadly outlaw he pursued. The fate that awaited them inside the lonely box canyon was something neither man could have anticipated, and the question was whether either of them would make it out alive! LAST CHANCE CANYON is a 6000 word short story from James Reasoner, New York Times bestselling author and master storyteller of the Old West. Never before published in English, this exclusive e-book edition includes a new Afterword by the author.



When the one-handed gunfighter known as Klaw encounters the notorious Rattler Gang, he loses two things precious to him: $10,000 in gold—and the deadly steel hook that replaced his right hand. The vicious, hooded owlhoots have been terrorizing Arizona, but now they have Klaw on their trail, along with a beautiful, vengeance-obsessed blonde. No matter who gets in his way—Apaches, desperadoes, or lawmen—Klaw will go through any or all of them to deliver hot lead justice to the Rattlers! 

But unknown to Klaw, the hunter is also the hunted, as two hired killers working for old enemies have set out to track him down, and fate will bring them all together for an epic showdown in the badlands! 

THE RATTLER GANG is another bloody, action-packed Western adventure from legendary author W.L. Fieldhouse and Rough Edges Press.


When Klaw interrupted a lynching, he got more than he bargained for, finding himself involved in a deadly hunt for a fortune in buried gold, saddled with protecting a town where the citizens can’t be trusted, and battling a gang of vicious outlaws led by Klaw’s former commander in the Civil War who wants not only the gold but also the one-handed gunfighter’s head! What John Klawson went through would have killed most men: beaten, shot, maimed by the loss of his gun hand. But this atrocity tempers Klawson’s inner steel and turns him into one of the deadliest fighting machines the West has ever seen…the man known only as Klaw! A legendary action writer returns with a novel of brutal violence and bloody revenge! John Klawson has a promising future as a gunsmith in the town of Great Ford, Colorado until he makes the mistake of challenging an insidious criminal conspiracy. Maimed, gutshot, and left for dead, Klawson survives against all the odds and becomes the infamous outlaw, gunfighter, and avenger known only as Klaw. With a deadly hook in place of his right hand, Klaw will use any weapon, go to any lengths, and trail his enemies to hell and back if he has to in order to deal out vengeance!


A legendary action writer returns with a novel of brutal violence and bloody revenge! John Klawson has a promising future as a gunsmith in the town of Great Ford, Colorado until he makes the mistake of challenging an insidious criminal conspiracy. Maimed, gutshot, and left for dead, Klawson survives against all the odds and becomes the infamous outlaw, gunfighter, and avenger known only as Klaw. With a deadly hook in place of his right hand, Klaw will use any weapon, go to any lengths, and trail his enemies to hell and back if he has to in order to deal out vengeance! W.L. Fieldhouse wrote many classic action/adventure novels in such series as The Executioner and Phoenix Force and has long been acclaimed as a master storyteller of fast-moving, exciting fiction. This classic Western novel, the first of several under his name, originally appeared in paperback more than thirty years ago and is now available again in a new e-book edition from Rough Edges Press. Watch for more W.L. Fieldhouse novels coming soon, and get ready for action! “Fieldhouse writes a gritty, violent, realistic action-western for those who are tired of the sanitized yarns of Louis L’Amour and who love stories about the Davids of the world taking on Goliath. A very entertaining and satisfying read!”–Peter Brandvold, author of STILLMAN’S WAR. “Western fiction has seen plenty of avenging protagonists over the years, hardened by savagery and betrayal, hell-bent on a course to settle the score with human scum undeserving of taking another breath. But few have ever been more embittered or relentless than Klaw … Replacing tortured flesh and bone with cold steel and determination, he turns the bloody remains of a body left for dead into a killing machine who can’t be stopped … Bill Fieldhouse has created a memorable, uncompromising character with the grit, savvy, and willingness to go up against the toughest odds. Told in a no-frills, unflinching style, KLAW is an exciting Western adventure that will leave you clamoring for more.” – Wayne Dundee “All hail the long overdue return of a master of the action novel…No one does it like Fieldhouse”–Stephen Mertz


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Dev Mallory has been a Secret Service agent, a detective, and a cowboy…which makes him the perfect man for the job of protecting a British nobleman’s Thoroughbred race horse and saving the U.S. government from embarrassment. But there’s more going on than sabotage, as Dev’s beautiful redheaded partner is kidnapped and Dev finds himself up to his neck in murder, lust, and intrigue. Critically acclaimed, bestselling authors Ed Gorman and Bill Crider team up for this fast-paced Western mystery now available again from Rough Edges Press. Packed with action and colorful characters, FAST TRACK is an adventure novel where the suspense never lets up!


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From gunsmoke-laced shootouts in cantinas and saloons to desperate nighttime dashes across the Rio Grande to the quiet, heartfelt courage of men backed into a corner and faced with overwhelming odds, Charles Boeckman’s classic stories of the Texas frontier are filled with everything that makes the Old West exciting! 

Writing under the name Charles Beckman Jr., Charles Boeckman filled the pages of vintage Western pulp magazines such as STAR WESTERN and DIME WESTERN with colorful tales of action, adventure, and romance. With authentic settings and compelling characters, these stories are some of the best from the pulp era. 

Rough Edges Press is proud to present BLAZING TRAILS AND WESTERN TALES, a new collection of eight novellas and short stories by Charles Boeckman originally published between 1949 and 1957. These tales from one of the master storytellers of the Old West have never been reprinted until now.

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